Former MEP and member of the Secretariat of the European Left Party Peter Marset spoke at a lecture titled "Dismantling the Social Europe, road of neoliberalism" in the context of discussions IU + Greens place in the building Moneo.
Marset, accompanied by Esther Herguedas councilor, said yesterday that the cause of the dismantling of social Europe is the creation of the Single European Act (1986), the Treaty of Maastricht (1992) and the summit and the Treaty of Lisbon (2000 and 2008 .)
As indicated, the consequences of decommissioning within the neoliberal model, has been cutting public spending, privatization of public enterprises and services, the lowering of wages and relocation of the capital.
Marset noted that these issues have led to the adoption of the Bolkestein directive and the return of immigrants and the 65 hour work week which together give meaning to the concept of "flexicurity" for which "deregulation the labor market moving towards free dismissal. "
In this regard, said the European Left is the only political force that demands a new treaty "solidarity, democracy and peace" within the European Union and is emerging as the "only alternative" against the process decommissioning in the European elections in 2009.
He also commented that the European Left "supports the October demonstrations organized against the tendency to attack the workers," to which he added that his party has planned campaigns to alleviate job insecurity.
Source: IU Región de Murcia