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Work on energy efficiency in the School of Chemistry won the contest for the improvement of university management (23/06/2008)

The job "comprehensive action to improve energy efficiency in the building of the Faculty of Chemistry, Aurelio Fernández Joaquín Arenas, has become the prize of the contest for the improvement of university management organized by the Management of Universidad de Murcia.

At the awards ceremony and a certificate to the participating teams, held in the convalescence, the manager of the institution, Pedro Gálvez, referred to the welcome of the initiative, which has resulted in a high turnout, " which encourages us to develop further such actions. "

The rector, José Antonio Cobacho, said that this award is part of the set of actions to improve the management carried out by his administration, including administration cited the electronics and self-evaluation processes of the various university services.

Source: Universidad de Murcia

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