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Nearly 600 vehicles, penalties for violations in one week with the new mobile device Local Police (19/06/2008)

A total of 584 vehicles have been sanctioned between 11 and 18 June by the new police car is equipped with a mobile system to automatically read vehicle license plates.

The June 11 started in the streets of Murcia to prevent double parking, the use of improper parking areas for handicapped zones and in bus and taxi lanes.

From the past 11-day implementation of new service-until yesterday (18), 584 complaints have been made for parking improperly.

The most repeated violations are:

Parking on the sidewalk, bus or taxi lane and double row

The Department of Safety, Traffic Police, who heads Nuria Fuentes, is aware of the damage to the planet to traffic on inappropriate behavior of some drivers who park improperly on bus and taxi stops, areas reserved for disabled, loading and unloading two rows or lanes.

In fact, only in 2007 the local police fined 22,726 drivers for these reasons.

This has led to the purchase of automatic reading system of tuition to deter drivers who behave unsupportive, to significantly increase the flow and traffic safety in the city.

This new instrument will also provide an important additional public service, as it will facilitate the detection of vehicles reported as stolen, used to commit crimes or related to activities of organized gangs or terrorists.

Basic characteristics of control device:


The monitoring system adapted to the official vehicle is handled by an agent in each of the shifts.


They work in slots considered at higher incidence of parking tickets and when most needed is to facilitate the flow of traffic, given the increase in the intensity-peak hours.


Usually a city's distribution by sector, control and surveillance by random from all of them following a schedule for days and shifts.

Additionally, a number of roads considered preferred courses of action (VAP)-those in which the offenses generate more traffic problems, "that are controlled every day on all shifts, among others may include the following:

Avenue of Freedom

Constitution Avenue

Gran Vía Alfonso X El Sabio

Gran Via Salzillo Sculptor

C / Post Office C / Santa Clara

C / Jaime I El Conquistador

Avenida Marqués de Los Vélez

Avda Abenarabi

C / Maestro Alonso

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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