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Start the fourth edition of the great feast of computers (18/03/2008)

The Murcia Lan Party 2008 starts tomorrow Wednesday, March 19 and will run for 100 hours straight, until 23 March at the Palacio de Deportes of the City of Murcia, organized by the Computer Association of the University of Murcia, "Murcia Lan Party. "

1,024 networked computers, connecting MB7s 2048, more than 10.00 euros in prizes, plus tournaments, contests and sweepstakes are the keynotes of this year.

Those interested can register www.murcialanparty.com

The City of Murcia, Murcia University and the general direction of the Information Society offer computer enthusiasts the chance to enjoy 100 hours of high-speed navigation, competitions and workshops.

For the fourth consecutive year, Telefónica has deployed in Murcia entire IT infrastructure able to realize an event of the magnitude of the Murcia Lan Party.

In this edition, Telefonica offers a bandwidth of 1.24 Gb, a thousand times the most commonly used by users of Murcia.

This will allow each user to have a connection of 100 MB / s.

The Murcia Lan Party offers its participants the opportunity to share information, surf the Internet, participate in online tournaments and all under the security and reliability that provides Telefónica in this event.

This is a gathering of people who share his passion for computers, for several days together with their own computers in a room and engage in all kinds of computer-related activities, much like the bikers of all levels life.

Online games being the main protagonists.

Other major attractions of the partys, is the fact that clans (teams), whose members have years of playing together over the Internet, take this opportunity to meet personally, living and strengthen ties of friendship.

The "Murcia Lan Party" was born in 2001, since then, year after year has grown in participants, activities and quality, so that the organization has received several awards and recognitions, including the award for best young initiative, awarded by the Institute of Youth in the Region of Murcia, guaranteeing that is among the top three in Spain.

He is currently the largest in Europe organized by volunteers.


· 1,024 computer stations.

• Connecting to the Internet TELEFÓNICA of 1.24 GB (1,000 times larger than a normal ADSL).

• 100 hours.

· Network Internal 100Mbits / s (1GB backbone)

· Organized by 50 volunteers.

· Participant from 25 different provinces.

· 10,800 m of cable.

· 3,800 m.

electric cable and 2,200 outlets.

· Zones of game consoles

· Drawings of computer among all participants.

· Zone indoor camping.

· Services catering and bar 24 hours.

As major developments this year include:

ARENA · Area: 100 m2 premises in which the organization will have 35 ESL Packard Bell computer art, to make the tournaments under management environments specifically developed.

· Simulators of Formula 1 with full frame.

• The ESL held on "Intel ® Friday Night Games" on 21 March.

· CONFERENCES, will be held ten conferences among which include the intervention of Jorge Cortell, Pablo Soto, David Bravo and Emmanuelle Gutiérrez.

Modding · Area: 70 m2 area in which there will be demonstrations, art workshops and competitions to decorate and modify the computers.

· Tournaments official games:

or SHOOTER: Counter Strike, Day of Defeat, Quake III, Call of Duty 4, Team Fortress 2 and Unreal Tournament 3

or SPORT: Pro Evolution Soccer 08 and Pikachu Volley 08.

or STRATEGY: Warcraft

or FIGHT: Tekken 5 and Super Smash Bros.

or MUSIC: Guitar Hero

or DANCE: Dance Dance Revolution

· Contests Official:

Mouse or Guidelines

or Launch Mobile

or Powerball.

or Modding Contest.

or Karaoke.

Competition or Kame-hame-ha

or Wifi Security

or Photo Retouching

or Musical Composition

or Fast Photo

For tournaments and competitions, prizes will be distributed and gift vouchers worth 10,000 €

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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