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The Murcia can enjoy almost 70 activities during Spring Festival (17/03/2008)

Murcia will be filled with activities from the next day 22 and until 30 March.

The program consists of Spring Festival this year by nearly 70 different events designed for all audiences.

Along with the festival program, which begins tomorrow distributed Plaza de Santo Domingo (from 10 to 13 and from 17 to 20 hours), will give away two figures in stiff cardboard (huertano and orchard) that, placed on two natural wood bases, may be dressed in cut-out models that reproduce the huertano costume (the slaughter, the class ...).

The illustrations are original drawings by Virginia Garcia.

In total 15,000 have been printed handbills, of which 5,000 will be accompanied by this gift.

One of the main novelties of this holiday season is the relocation of some activities:

"The Feast of exaltation orchard, traditionally developed in the Teatro Romea, will be held this year at the Auditorio Victor Villegas.

"The floral offering to the Virgin will be inside the cathedral, rather than in the Plaza Belluga.

Bando-The concert will be in the garden of the Malecón and the Plaza del Romea.

"The gala opening of the Festival de Tunas, which became the Teatro Romea, he moved to San Basilio pergola.

"The fireworks tronaera Day Proclamation will be in Plaza Circular, not the map of San Francisco as in the past.

"The sardines come to the Plaza Santa Isabel, not Flomesta Lieutenant Avenue.

It also changes this year's parade route in Spring Murcia extending, through, for the first time by Lepanto Street, Constitution Avenue and Avenida Jaime I.

Another novelty is that the activities of the Carp Sardine that is installed on the street Basabé will be devoted entirely to children.

This will be the first year that the Department of Popular Culture Festivals and organize a concert completely free access.

Will the next 27 at 23 pm in the Plaza del Romea, which act Butterfly Effect.

The Murcia will have the opportunity to learn about and get on the floats will be presented sardine as 27 and 28 in various squares and parks of the city such as Plaza de Santo Domingo, Belluga, San Agustin, Plaza de las Flores & Garden Floridablanca.

Other activities specially designed for this edition of the Spring Festival is that the flower arrangement of Murcia parade floats in the Spring will be held in the garden of the Malecon.

This year, waiting for the burning of the sardine will become more enjoyable because it has organized a concert at the Gran Via de 'El Pulpo', starting at 23.30 hours, acting on a float.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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