Portal de Murcia


Murcia - SpanishMurcia - English
detail of Murcia



Sardine, sardine!

Murcia and Murcia!

There is no honor in the world,

Nor is there greater distinction

To receive the Sardine

From this illustrious balcony

Towers of Cotillas arrives

In the hands of his good mayor

The popular Sunday Coronado, the receipt

Willing to give the fire

And it is our greatest wish

Start by passion,

That retiemblen our streets

The smoke caress the sky

And we exclaim:

Arrive sardine!

Sardine, Sardineros, enjoy!

Fill the party city

Sounding your whistle

To the ends of the garden,

Do the city vibrate

With the fanfare and fireworks

And that even the sky

Surrender to the floats

And the smoke hachoneros

Murcia that grouper,

I get excited

With the mayor at the head,

The Corporation prepared

To vibrate at a parade

That nothing in the world equals

Beautiful, admired and loved

Name, Marta Valverde

It is our unparalleled Sardine

you all crazy!

Welcome to Murcia

That becomes nonsense

Bustle and noise,

Scales, passion and absurdity

That all law enforcement

Welcome with tact and urgency

At Big Fish, Carlos Santos,

Actor Murcia high,

Povedilla in fiction

And a great lover of Murcia

The Mayor is proud

Of entrusting the sardine

Well just wait joyful

Celebrate with you

A funeral so festive

Murcia curd rhythms

Brass bands and whistles,

Music and colorful

Generous float

And the smiles of children

Take the Sardine, and cuidadla!

And not waste any more time

The party is on the street

And hearts, willing

Let us enjoy the holidays with

And use the time

That Murcia surrenders to the feet

Sardine groups

Sardineros, sardine!

Murcia, Murcia!

Live Burial of the Sardine!

Viva Murcia!

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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