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detail of Murcia


The Consistory improves cleaning in doctors (09/04/2008)

The Department of Health, which runs Fulgencio Cervantes, improve the cleaning service in City Hall dependent doctors.

The Governing Board gave its approval to the contract specifications for tender by open procedure through the cleaning medical offices in the municipality.

The contract with the company managing the service shall be two years renewable.

The estimated investment is € 550,000 and the cost of cleaning to be carried out are about 18,300.

The Consistory act Aljucer medical offices, Avileses, Boatmen, Barriomar, Barrio del Progreso, Casillas, Cobatillas, Churra, La Murta, Los Dolores, Lobosillo, Los Martínez del Puerto, Llano de Brujas, Era Alta, Esparragal, Gea Truyols, Guadalupe, Nuevo Javalí, Puebla de Soto, Beniscornia Corner, San Ginés, San José de la Vega, Santa Catalina, Sucina Valladolises and Zeneta.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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