The Department of Youth and Employment, headed Dolores Sanchez, has submitted to the European Commission project called Information and Active Citizenship: a strategy for inclusion of people with fewer opportunities, specifically targeting young people with sensory disabilities, deaf and / or blind -.
The project aims to analyze the obstacles that hinder the access of sensory disabled youth to youth information services, so as to avoid any form of discrimination in the implementation of strategies in the development and dissemination of information.
This project involves 56 young representatives of eight young people with sensory disabilities (blind and deaf, basically) and eight Councils Youth Services: Setubal (Portugal), Turin (Italy), Paris (France), Mexico City (Mexico ), San Isidro (Argentina), Cali (Colombia) and Cuenca (Ecuador), all with Youth Information Centres prestigious, two Youth Information Network and organizations of persons with sensory disabilities in Europe and Latin America.
In Murcia with the Department of Youth and Employment, the Federation of the Deaf participated in the Region of Murcia (FESORMU. This initiative builds on the idea that youth access to appropriate information to enhance their participation interests in life and public expression of their skills as active and responsible citizens. At the same time strengthen its partnerships, citizen participation and democracy, as it will ensure the equal participation of minority citizens in this case of people with sensory disabilities.
This project includes a seminar for the exchange of good practices among local organizations (youth information services) and organizations of persons with disabilities, an exchange of young people representing youth associations with sensory disabilities, which analyze the issue of information youth and media, and a third evaluation meeting in which young people and organizations to pool the results of both meetings
Also planned are joint strategies to address the involvement of young people with sensory disabilities in youth information services and information from the results of the three previous actions and plan future joint actions.
Among the expected results can be achieved include:
The adaptation of youth information services for young people with sensory disabilities.
The implication of these youth centers and youth information services.
Strengthening its partnerships.
Throughout the project will develop a manual of methodology for the structured dialogue of young people and public bodies for the implementation of Youth Information Services as a strategy for inclusion of young people with sensory disabilities.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia