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detail of Murcia


In March 2008 Training Plan (22/04/2008)

Officials of the City of Murcia interested in participating in the 55 training activities that make up the 2008 Training Plan have until next Wednesday, April 30 to submit their request, as it has been given the green light to the training plan.

There will be a total of 55 training activities, with 90 editions, and with a forecast of 1,825 attendees, which will require 1,994 hours of training.

This training plan, which has already been approved, is organized with the collaboration of the Municipality of Murcia with the three unions (UGT and CCOO and CSIT).

Among the training activities that are requested, include, inter alia, specific for the staff of the local police, with 13 planned actions, with a total of 47 issues, highlighting, for example the three editions of the training provided: site investigations, domestic violence intervention and care for victims of crime.

This training is intended that the Local Police officers have the skills necessary for ocular inspection of places and vehicles, update the skills that will assist the processing of domestic violence crimes and assisting victims of crime.

Thus, before the commissioning of the new system of Local Police radicomunicaciones, will be taught a total of 18 issues about the use and management of the digital mobile trunking radiocumunicaciones, two of them to control and manage agents system and 16 issues for staff and managers to be users.

The objective of this training course is that participants acquire an understanding of the new radio system to achieve an immediate response service for any emergency or conflict that requires your intervention.

As a novelty, this year also will include training modality Teletraining, following the huge success of last year.

In 2007 there were 4 training activities, two Oficce Open Open Write and two Oficce Calc, in the form of e-learning, because for a hundred places on offer were received 230 applications.

For this year have provided a total of seven training activities for different areas such as new technologies, legal and procedural risk prevention, organizational development and human resources.

This training method allows you to create a collaborative learning among all participants of the training, all staff providing the City of Murcia municipal access to training, regardless of work schedule, as it is done entirely through Internet.

There are only two classes: the first, to present and explain the management of the platform, and second, to develop the test, this time in which the assistant should demonstrate the knowledge acquired during the course .

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000 - ER-0131/2006 Región de Murcia
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