Free buses will leave from the pools Infante, Bacons Bridge and El Palmar
Over 400 more will compete tomorrow, May 28th, a day of healthy sport which has organized the Department of Sports, headed by Miguel Cascales.
This activity, which takes place several times each year, is aimed at older service users and other major sports do not do sport in municipal but see for yourself the activities offered by the City Council.
The event will run healthy sport 10 to 13 hours in Pabellón Príncipe de Asturias.
The elders, led by monitors, and aerobic exercise can dance merengue, cha-cha-cha and tango, and stretching.
Participation is free and the City will make available to seniors who attend buses leaving from the pools Infante, Bacons Bridge and El Palmar at 9.30 am.
In addition, participants have breakfast chocolate with monkeys.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia