One year after the emergence of the project to co-produce a children's company Murcia offers puppet theater Carnations on Sunday at 12 pm, the premiere of 'Tulugak' a child who is inspired by an Inuit tale in which values ​​like forgiveness and acceptance of others gravitate into the plot of the play.
Aimed primarily at children and families, 'Tulugak' "is a story that will make children laugh, but it is also a story to think," explains Paca Garcia and Aniceto Roca, the pair of veteran actors who made this adaptation of Inuit tale that inspired the work.
"We had to adapt the message of the original story to the Western mind, as the Inuit culture transmits a very different values ​​to ours, as we all know," clarify the actors.
'Tulugak' lasting approximately 45 minutes, it is the story of a crow that lives in constant personal growth and getting to learn from their own mistakes.
The story comes on the heels of the two actors on stage, 'Captain' (Aniceto Roca) and 'Grumeta' (Paca García), which also made manipulating puppets on a stage "that is well suited to a space as the Teatro Circo Murcia. the set consists of woods and natural fabrics, use basic colors and also employ a shadow play that reinforces the interpretation of actors, puppets and sets, "as described by the actors.
This children's book is the first co-production of the year having Theatres Murcia Murcia with a company in the line of support for creators and theatrical productions by local artists.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia