Councilwoman Margarita Guerrero Murcia's change today called "rigor" to the mayor, José Ballesta, because of the free service WhatsApp has presented this morning as a novel in Spain is actually implemented in at least seven municipalities, which are Molina de Segura, Villarobledo, Llanera, Gijón, Ciudad Real, Torrevieja and Laguna de Duero.
Guerrero has welcomed the initiative because it believes that the municipality must adapt to the forms of communication used by young people, although it has insisted that it must be accompanied by the development of other tools.
In this regard, it has been reported that she has been unable to register with the service after several attempts throughout the morning because the phone number provided by the City does not even appear comocontacto with WhatsApp.
"It is at least curious that a service even before it started is announced. This is an example of the policy announcement of the government team, prioritizing communication regarding the actions".
Informajoven website: static and slightly updated
With respect to other tools made available to young people by the council, the mayor noted that in the case of web Informajoven is much improved.
"It is very static and institutional, and is not up to date," said Guerrero, after urging the council that if you really want to boost communication tools and information to the portal starting with a more dynamic, interactive and friendly space.
Source: Cambiemos Murcia