They are free and will be held in women's associations and women's centers in the municipality of Murcia.
Including computer courses, English, assistant clinical instructor of leisure and home help are included.
OMEP taught courses for female entrepreneurship and workshops on active job search centers for women.
It also fosters family responsibility with the development of early stimulation workshops for parents with children from 3 to 36 months
The Department of Social Rights, headed Conchita Ruiz Caballero, has organized a total of 79 training courses, 20 different themes, to be held in 2016, in different women's associations and women's centers of Murcia, in order to promote "employment and social integration of women, users of the centers and municipal associations."
The courses, among which are those of computer content, social networks, English, natural therapies, clinical assistant, home help assistant, instructor leisure or social area, will last between 8 and 40 hours.
According to the councilman of Social Rights, with this program we seek "to improve the employment of women and to promote critical attitude enabling them to transform stereotypes, and provide spaces where the development of self-esteem in women is facilitated".
He has also explained that "issues of physical and mental health will be addressed and the knowledge of the artistic, cultural and environmental heritage of Murcia will expand visible the participation and contribution of women to the history of the municipality."
In general, for all subjects it will work with an active and participative methodology, promoting learning and understanding of the content, stimulating critical attitude and facilitating group cohesion.
They also will integrate, in content and methodology, gender and prevention of violence against women.
The schedule will be published on the municipal website and will be available in the Section of Women.
On the same tab, information about the requirements for registration is displayed.
The courses are free until all places available in each of them, being admitted in order of registration.
Courses for entrepreneurship
Also, the regional Organization of Women Entrepreneurs, OMEP, assist in the training offered by the Department, with the development of training and entrepreneurship in schools and women's associations in the municipality, providing the necessary tools to incorporate entrepreneurship their occupational choices, by discovering their abilities, access to basic skills to undertake and the training required to be disclosed in an increasingly technological world and specialized
Similarly, the OMEP will continue with the third edition of the 'I want to be successful businesswoman' for women entrepreneurs, managerial and entrepreneurial, providing content and business management skills.
Early stimulation workshops
The Department of Social Rights has planned four workshops early learning, aimed at parents with children / as of 3-36 months, which is to promote family responsibility.
"With this initiative, the City of Murcia, aims to guide parents and new mothers about the care and attention for the optimal development of their child.
Is to provide a forum for contact and coordination with professionals in the primary health care while we favor the responsibility of parents in the field of family care, "said Conchita Ruiz.
Each workshop is divided into five sessions of 1.50 hours of weekly in which theoretical and practical content are addressed.
They will be held at the Centers for Women Corvera, Sucina-Avileses, Lobosillo and Abenarabi.
The project is currently being broadcast and recording in each of the locations where it is proposed to impart.
Those interested can address to the Center for Women and / or cultural center in each locality.
The start of the workshops is scheduled for the second week of April 2016. For further information, call the Women's Section of the Department of Social Rights, via telephone 968 358 600, ext: 2038, 2028, 2006, or send an email:
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia