Man begins in pathological gambling in adolescence, while the woman does at later ages, according to the conclusions of the doctoral thesis at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Murcia Valera Bernal Jesus Onofre.
The study, which analyzes the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of the gamblers who go to psychological treatments, said that the profile of these is the man about 36 years old, married or living with a partner, player slot machine which uses the psychologist by family pressure.
When you go to be treated by the specialist usually does after play between six and fifteen years and having high dependency, in addition to showing introverted, reserved and messy.
According to the thesis, the factors that predispose to become a pathological gambler are being male adolescent and contact bets.
The study also revealed that being female and adolescent difficult decision affected to seek help to get out of that situation.
To carry out this work, the author analyzed a sample of 643 men and 28 women in the Region of Murcia, with an average age of 36 years.
The thesis has obtained excellent cum laude, was supervised by professors at the University of Murcia Encarnación Fernández Ros and Juan José López García.
Source: Universidad de Murcia