Continue this week the conference "Education for the XXI century. Views from the sciences and the arts."
This is a series of talks and round tables in which experts in various fields of science and the arts show different views on the education of XXI century, combining theory and practice and reflecting on what should be education in these new times from a scientific and artistic perspective as broad as possible.
The conference is organized by the Association of Retired Persons and Pensioners-Inter and the Department for Communication Culture and Sports of the University of Murcia, and they collaborate various institutions such as the Regional Assembly, Polytechnic University of Cartagena, as well as several municipalities in the region.
-Tuesday February 9, conference: "Teaching Science Teaching skills to become citizens ... Anything else..?"
by Antonio de Pro (Dean of the Faculty of Education at the University of Murcia and professor of Didactics of Experimental Sciences).
Graduate Hall of Rights, 19:00.
11 February-Thursday, conference: "Teaching religion in school in Spain: past, present and future", by Francisco Diez de Velasco (Professor of comparative history of religions and Social Anthropology at the University of La Laguna).
Graduate Hall School of Law, 19:00.
-Saturday February 13, Workshop: "Playing consciousness vibrations and balances" by the Mateo Peña Martinez.
Museum of Science and Water 12:00.
Source: UMU