Stephen D. Krashen, a professor emeritus of the University of Southern California, focused his speech on the results of the latest research on second language acquisition
The Department of Languages ​​at the Catholic University of Murcia has organized for next Monday January 25 a day in which the current situation of bilingualism and the keys to its future will be discussed.
The event will take place from 18 pm in the auditorium of the Campus of Los Jeronimos.
The star of the day will be Stephen D. Krashen, a professor emeritus of the University of Southern California, who focused his speech on the results of the latest research on second language acquisition.
Ana Jimenez Millan, Director General of Educational Innovation and Attention to Diversity of the Ministry of Education and Universities, will provide data on bilingualism in the region of Murcia.
For its part, the director of the Department of Languages ​​of the UCAM, Thomas Schmidt, will speak on bilingual education in Murcia institution.
The conference is mainly aimed at teachers and schools attached to bilingual education system (SEBI), cooperative learning and teaching of foreign languages ​​or related associations public, charter and private schools.
Source: UCAM