The Special Committee on Oversight Recruitment was held this morning its second session in which proposals have been approved for work, study and monitoring of different contracts that the City has with different companies for the management of municipal services.
At the same, chaired by the Councillor for Finance and Employment, Eduardo Martínez-Oliva, was attended by mayors of the five political groups represented on the City Council.
Plenum result of this commission is to review the management of public street cleaning, waste collection and treatment (Cespa Urban Services), the conservation service and maintenance of gardens and trees lining the municipality (STV Management) tram concession (Concession holder Murcia Tram SA), Terra Natura Park (Generala-Terra Natura UTE), the technical support and collaboration for tax management, land administration, voluntary collection and enforced collection of taxes and other municipal revenues (Tribugest Taxes Management SA), Service maintenance of public lighting and regular inspection of local and municipal transformation centers (Electromur SA), maintenance, collection, control access, track or room attendants or Cleaning of sports facilities Verdolay, Cabeza de Torres, Fleet, JC1 and Inacua and home help service in the municipality of Murcia (home help SAD) centers.
The objectives of the commission are the monitoring, evaluation and review of the degree of implementation of the largest municipal public contracts, identify opportunities for improvement in the performance of contracts that affect more and better services for citizens and formulate recommendations to guide decisions of the organs of local government both to ensure full compliance with contracts currently underway as to the award of new contracts.
Also approved were the functions and the work plan of the committee.
The next February contracts Tribugest, Terra Natura and home help will be studied in particular.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia