The Devil ciezano El Pozo Murcia FS, Alex, will represent Spain in the European Championship "Serbia 2016", which will be his second official announcement after the World Pre last December.
"I continue to fulfill dreams. Dedicate yourself to a sport and you call the national team to represent your country in a European or World ... is a dream."
The 25-year power forward said yesterday after meeting the squad "was very excited, never expect them to call you if you are working well. Since it is very difficult to get into the team because there are many good players in the list also many who they have been left out. "
Asked whether the national team part with the favorite poster, the player said that "Spain is always fighting for titles but there are also good choices as Russia, Italy or Portugal, main rivals to beat."
And warns: "You can never relax, any team that wins will let you out of the tournament."
Alex will be clothed with national team Miguelín Raul Campos, Jose Ruiz and Adri El Pozo Murcia FS, five players of all Murcia.
So "we are not doing that bad things when we are the team most players gives Spain" he said.
But first, with El Pozo Murcia FS they will play two matches in four days before the league break with the objective of third place under lock.
"Little by little we are taking good results and winning at the Palace, a circumstance that cost us. And we have to add these six points as they otherwise would be another failure in the League and we can not afford. We can get it, and go to the break calm and third, and continue to hunt the Barcelona although it is difficult, but not impossible. "
First Saturday against RehabMedic Peñíscola, at 18 hours which can be followed live streaming
Regarding the opponent, Alex said that "is very young and talented players who are doing very well as Michel, Juanqui (Juan Carlos) so many-top scorer with 17, Eric Martel signing this year and is getting lots of goals ( 14) ... A team that will fight to get into 'Play Off' and will be a very difficult match. Last year we suffered in his track despite the victory (2-4). "
And Tuesday at the Palace last game at home to Santiago Futsal to 21 hours to dismiss international in the fight for the coveted trophy in Europe.
Source: ElPozo Murcia