The Minister of Culture and Spokesperson, Noelia Arroyo, attended today with the mayor of Murcia, José Ballesta, the beginning of the XXVIII Meeting of crews Memorial Manuel Prisons 'The Patiñero'.
Noelia Arroyo stressed "the importance of defending cultural traditions", as it is this meeting that created the troubadour 'The Patiñero' with the Rock orchard The Hijuela and held the first Sunday after Epiphany.
"They are celebrations in which we find our folklore, our roots are and what makes us different and better.
Are our traditions and culture, "said the minister.
At the meeting Almedricos crews, Animeros Cehegín, Cañada de la Cruz, Fuente Librilla, Sangonera la Verde, Patino and Aledo involved.
Also, as part of this celebration, 111 women prepare traditional balls tasted today hundreds of people who enjoy this cultural event.
Source: CARM