Users have described tram service with a remarkable high.
This rating was 8.4 out of 10, it was obtained from conducting a survey of Murcia who use this means of transportation.
The attributes analyzed were:
- Services offered: punctuality, frequency and routes.
- Comfort during the journey: smooth movement, driving style, indoor temperature, cleanliness and comfort along the way.
- Accessibility and security accessibility at bus stops, tram accessibility, security inside, security at stops.
- Information: Information on bus, inside information, web, flyers, social networks ...
- Personal tram: Image and personal attention and problem solving.
- Payment systems and environmental contribution: Comfort payment systems and validation, environmental contribution.
Of these, the most valued are punctuality, comfort and fulfillment of frequencies.
Other noted security features are feeling inside, itineraries offered, environmental contribution, smoothly driving and comfort in payment systems and validation.
Attribute information on bus and tram within the year improved compared to 2014, and the web attribute, leaflets and social networks tenth down on the previous year.
A total of 607 surveys have been conducted, with a margin of error of + - 4.1%, representing a confidence level of 95.5%.
67.9% of respondents are residents in the city of Murcia, while 25.2% come from villages.
The profile of the sample, 62.8% are students (UMU, UCAM, schools, institutes and centers of regulated education) and the rest is divided among public sector workers (6.6%), workers in the private sector (18.9% ) love / I home (4.00%), unemployed (3.9%), pensioners (3.3%) and business / self-employed (0.5%).
Throughout this year, with the results of this study, Murcia tram strengthen those aspects that have been obtained lower scores and continue to maintain the quality levels of those attributes that are most highly valued by respondents.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia