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The Governing Board approved a draft Budget 2016 "credible and cumplibles" (09/12/2015)

72% of the spending will go to active policies to care for people, jobs and environmental protection.

More than 55% of the investments are aimed at public works and infrastructure in neighborhoods and districts, which receive almost 17.5 million euros

The Governing Board, in extraordinary session this morning approved the draft national budget for next year, they are "credible and cumplibles budgets" in the words of Councillor of Finance, Eduardo Martínez-Oliva.

The mayor added that "we must be able to understand all the political groups and the actions that are included in this budget are what we want most of Murcia and are included in the electoral programs of the various political groups represented in the Town hall".

"The government team is to incorporate open to ideas, suggestions and proposals to enrich the project. I ask the other political groups to think of Murcia and Murcia above partisan interests," he pointed Martínez-Oliva.

Thus, the councilman added that "the economic situation is improving, both on the street and in public administrations. Proof of this is that the average period of payment to suppliers is at 24.87 days and the debt per capita is 400 euros, well below the average, Murcia being the fifth city and capital of the province with more than 100,000 inhabitants with lower debt, far from Madrid (1,876 euros), Valencia (1,022 euros), Zaragoza (1,227 euros) or Málaga (1,120 euros) "

For next year are expected revenue of 404.48 million euros, representing 1.13% more than in 2015. Thus, according to forecasts, 68% of revenues will own, through direct taxes, Public rates, current transfers ...

It should be noted that 72% of spending will go to active policies to care for people, jobs and environmental protection.

Thus, 49.2 million euros will be allocated to areas such as education (3% more than in 2015), nursery schools (19.34% more), social rights (2.32% more), sports (one 1.8% more), youth (one more than 40.51%), culture (2.35% more) and employment (3.14% more)

Thus, within the overall budgets of 2016 there booked a party of more than 3 million euros to training and employment (18% more than in 2015), or and other commercial revitalization of squares, markets and activities in small business.

In addition, more than 55% of the investments are aimed at public works and infrastructure in neighborhoods and districts, which receive nearly 17.5 million euros.

Other investments that are part of this draft budget are the following:

- Recovery of the site of San Esteban and its environment: equipped and funded 900,000 euros this year, in 2016 has 100,000 euros, and have forecast the contributions required thanks to the existing cash surplus.

- Rehabilitation of the Old Jail: as above, already funded 2.1 million euros and 100,000 euros are included in the 2016 draft, with the remaining cash available if necessary.

- Rehabilitation of Halls 1 and 2 Artillery Barracks: 423,000 euros.

- Access to high speed Murcia: in addition to 300,000 euros funded in 2015, the proposal next year almost 4 million euros for the first phase, and 800,000 euros for the second reserve.

- Coastal North and South: the completion of the second phase has 9.9 million euros, provided by the Autonomous Community.

- Action Plan of the garden and Murcia Rio, with a budget of just over 1 million euros

- New urban quality plan towards an intelligent city, whose expenditure amounts to 1,650,000 euros available.

- Execution of a plan of libraries and reading rooms -1 million euros

- Second phase of the rehabilitation plan of -1.1 million- Rosales.

Remember that in 2016 and as it is already approved, the property tax is reduced, the rate of openings is deleted and all other taxes, fees and charges are frozen.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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