The Catholic University of Murcia opens tomorrow Wednesday Innocent III International Congress and their time, organized to commemorate the eighth anniversary of the celebration of the Fourth Lateran Council.
The event, organized by the Chair Innocent III, institution born of the agreement between the UCAM and the Pontifical Lateran University for research into the history of law, common law and canon law, will examine this stage of history, instrumental in the development of law medieval, and the concept we have of the papacy, and that coincided with important pieces of legislation such as the English Magna Carta.
They intervene in Congress 50 speakers from many countries, some of them of global significance, being the foremost experts in the field.
Featured speakers:
Archbishop of Budapest, Cardinal Peter Erdo, rapporteur of the last Synod of the Family, and who will give the inaugural conference.
Professor Damian Smith of the University of San Luis and director of the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies.
Kenneth Pennington, of the Catholic University of Washington author of numerous articles on the period.
Robert Somerville, Columbia University
Murcia expert Antonio Perez Martin, who will give the closing conference.
Innocent III, Pope of the Catholic Church 1198-1216, is an d the most important figures of the Middle Ages and the medieval papacy, and their study is essential to understand the current church since his time will represent "the moment Roman institution that becomes aware of what their obligations are, what their place in the world, not just in relation to the temporal powers, but also in relation to what their spiritual functions, "says co-director of the Chair Javier Belda.
Source: UCAM