The Board of Governors approved this morning the tender to contract the Service to the implementation of small civil works and road safety.
The City will invest in this contract for two years and renewable for two more, a maximum price of 281,000 euros.
The winning company will be responsible for minor renovations of sidewalks (enlargements or cuttings), execution of foundations for informative signs and timely placement of some pins, small sections of fence and milestones.
Also, it will work in removing remains of fences and pins, packaging firm, replacement of fences, pivot and milestones, demolition of small islets of work, performance arrangement of piping and minor damage potholes in roads and pavements.
The company also made changes at intersections, projections execution and implementation of roundabouts.
The aim with this new contract is to centralize the work on improving road safety in both the town and districts thus allowing a quick and effective response to any needs that may arise.
The winner will have a place located at a distance from the center of town 10 kilometers to the means of communication (telephone, fax, radio or mobile phone) needed to receive orders or documents relating to the work performed provided with adequate staff and administrative means to receive calls at least 8 to 20 hours, must enable a system to receive urgent messages outside these hours, and for storage of machinery, vehicles, spare parts, tools, and stock material required for successful service execution.
As a general rule the regular work will start, from receipt of the work order at 4 days, both urgent and very urgent to six hours
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia