Source researcher Jesús Muñoz, director of the Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid, will give on Monday, the 30th, at the University of Murcia, the conference "Gone with the Wind: the spread of organisms in the wind".
In his talk, to be held in the auditorium Lumeras Hermenegildo Castro, Espinardo campus, at 13:00, the speaker will explain the role of the wind in the long-distance dispersal of such different organisms as bryophytes or pelagic birds and how oceanic islands can be colonized by organisms very little ability for flying or swimming.
Muñoz, his CSIC research group studies the ecological models and the consequences of climate change on the diversity, applying methods of analysis not only plant organisms but also fungi and animals.
The conference is sponsored by the Research University, headed by Professor Juan Antonio Garcia.
Source: Universidad de Murcia