The documentary 'Up To You', Nuria Gil Herrero, has been the winner of the Municipal Contest CreMurcia, of the Department of Youth and Development Cooperation, who heads Rebeca Perez, in the form of short films and documentaries.
The prize is 1,500 euros.
They have also obtained second prize -500 euros each- work: 'Something about us' Ricardo Ibanez Ruiz and "The Story of Lisa Grimm' Domingo Jimenez House.
The jury decided to award a special short 'Imagine' collective grillera mention.
The jury was chaired by the Councillor for Youth and Development Cooperation, Rebeca Perez, and formed by Daniel Campos, Carlos Martinez Sanchez and Juan Albaladejo osefa (as secretary).
In this mode the CreaMurcia were presented 36 papers, of which 8 were upgraded to the final, which was held at the Cinematheque de Murcia.
8 jobs that were projected in the final were:
Miguel Muñoz Gascón -Horóscopo
Until then the language Lucas Manuel Romero Aguado Castellon
-Up To you by Nuria Gil Herrero
Something about us Ibanez Ricardo Ruiz
The Collective 'Imagine grillera
-Letters From Mar de Plata Domingo Giménez Camera
-Elegant, Funny and enjoyable to Adolfo Lopez Molla
-The Story of Lisa Grimm House Domingo Giménez
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia