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More than 80,000 people have a rare disease in the Region (09/10/2015)

They have a low prevalence, but the sum of them all is a significant percentage.

We talk about rare diseases, which in the region of Murcia affecting more than 80,000 people;

"This represents 4% of the population, so it affects us all. Of every hundred people, four are carriers or living with a rare disease", said the general director of Planning, Research, Pharmacy and Citizen of the CARM, Maria Teresa Martinez, presented during the Eighth National Congress of Rare Diseases.

The event, organized by the Spanish Federation for Rare Diseases D'Genes Association and the Association of Relatives and Affected by Lipodystrophies will be held from 15 to 18 October at the campus of the Catholic University of Murcia.

The presentation also intervened Naca Eulalia Perez de Tudela, president of the Association of Families and Affected Lipodystrophies (AELIP);

Juan Carrion, president of the Spanish Federation for Rare Diseases (ERDF);

Antonio Alcaraz, Vice Chancellor of University Extension of the UCAM, and Juan Jose Canovas Canovas, mayor of Totana.

International support

As pointed out during the presentation at the Congress will participate from 16 countries will be represented 66 associations, and intervene 80 professionals nationally and internationally.

Therefore, given its scientific interest, the event will be broadcast live over the Internet during the day throughout the same.

In addition, organizers have highlighted the fact that this year the symposium is held at a university, allowing the material to bring academia, and future health professionals, emphasizing the importance of research.

Similarly, it is noteworthy that the Catholic University of Murcia go the full proceeds from the sale of tickets Party Soccer League Segunda B on Saturday between CF and FC UCAM Cartagena, the delegation in Murcia the Spanish Federation for Rare Diseases.

Source: UCAM

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