Continues on 13 and 14 October the film series "Memory of the discredited", organized by the Reina Sofia Museum, in collaboration with ICAA (Institute of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts) and the University of Murcia through the Classroom Film and Digital Culture.
The screenings will be in the Hall Antonio Soler Campus de la Merced at 19 hours.
Although the realization of the two films being advertised is separated in time by 40, both obey as responsible for this cycle, a similar conception.
October 13, Tuesday: "Joystiq".
Ramiro Ledo (2013).
The occupation of Barcelona Hotel Colon gives way to an abstract and an assembly sequence shot about an hour starring a group of young people, as in "The sopar" Portabella, discuss around a table to do.
October 14, Wednesday: "The sopar".
Pere Portabella (1974).
Five political prisoners of the Franco regime gather at a farmhouse to discuss the transformative power of direct action, the effectiveness of the hunger strike or lack of perspective after jail imprisonment.
Source: UMU