The Municipal People seek the consensus of all political groups in proposals of great importance for the municipality of Murcia
Gender violence, humanitarian crisis, cohesion and unity of the country and thalidomide, are the issues that will address the motions that the Municipal People present at the regular plenary session to be held on Thursday September 24th.
Rebeca Perez, spokesman for the Municipal People's Party, explained the importance of the agreement between all political groups to the city of Murcia and its neighbors benefit from the agreements on gender violence, unit status, refugee crises and victims Thalidomide.
The most prominent motion deals with gender violence.
The Municipal People seek consensus for legislation for the preparation of reports that include data on victims assisted.
This document also collected, number of complaints and orders of protection, number of dependent children, with full respect for the privacy and protection of personal data and shall be published on the municipal website, so as to allow greater depth of understanding This difficult problem.
Moreover, the House will debate the proposal to urge all public authorities, public authorities and civil society to value the cohesion and unity of Spain, our rule of law, constitutional principles and our values ​​and our system of freedoms.
Another suggestion is that the GMP present, the municipal group Citizens, which is related to the serious humanitarian crisis that forced the displacement of thousands of people to flee their country in war and find in Europe an area of ​​security, freedom and respect for human rights.
What is intended is to foster Bureau of Local Refugee Support to coordinate permanently stable performances and reception and integration taking place in the town together with NGOs.
Furthermore, according to the motion, the corporation agrees to make available to public authorities the necessary resources and services for the reception and social integration of as many refugees come to this town.
The last of the joint motions also with the municipal group Citizens raises submit a proposal to the plenary Avite (Association of Thalidomide victims of Spain), who could be affected or not Thalidomide in Spain and grant those affected annuities , until they die, as perceived by the other affected countries of the world except for Spain.
Source: Grupo Municipal Popular