The group of Molecular Genetics of the University of Murcia, led by Professor Elias Arnanz Montserrat, participated in a study, published in the journal Nature Communications, in which the photochemical mechanism of a form of vitamin B12 described.
The work, particularly new in the field of photobiology, is made in collaboration with researchers from the University of Manchester (UK) and details how this form of vitamin B12, together with the CARH protein, acts as a photoreceptor.
This determines that certain genes whose mission is to defend the cell from damage by light, are "silenced" when not needed (in the dark) and "activated" when if needed (in the light).
Until recently, vitamin B12 was known only for its role as a cofactor involved in chemical catalysis of certain metabolic reactions.
The article in the prestigious journal Nature publishing group belonging to remember that that group at the University of Murcia, then led by Professor Francisco J. Murillo, CARH discovered the protein and provided the first data on the performance of vitamin B12 as light sensor molecule.
The study also involved researchers Juan Manuel Ortiz Guerrero, the group at the University of Murcia, Padmanabhan and Subramanian, of the Institute of Physical Chemistry "Rocasolano".
Source: Universidad de Murcia