The rector of the University of Murcia, José Professor of Mathematics Orihuela, attends today, Friday, at the opening of the exhibition "IMAGINARY-a mathematical look", which is dismantling the cliches about the difficulty of this discipline.
With over 400,000 visitors in Spain, the exhibition will remain at the Museum of Science and Water of Murcia until 31 March, underscores the close relationship between mathematics and art.
The sample consists of 40 large sheets of different shapes, several interactive installations, 3D sculptures of algebraic surfaces;
for all, in an attractive and easy to understand, explain some of the mysteries of concepts of geometry and algebra.
The exhibition is made by the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society (CSER), who adapted a traveling exhibition created in 2008 by mathematicians Institute Oberwolfach (Germany).
In the opening ceremony, which will begin at 18:00 will participate, in addition to the rector, the mayor of Murcia, José Ballesta;
RSME president, Antonio Campillo;
Museum director, Maribel Parra, and the coordinator of the exhibition, Julio Bernués.
Source: Universidad de Murcia