"The work is being carried out in areas of greater traffic to Murcia and tourists visiting the city we find in perfect condition," said Jose Guillen.
"During this August has intensified the work in both Murcia and districts, and currently more than 200 workers are working in green areas," the councilman
The City of Murcia, through the Parks and Gardens, is planting an average of 1,100 daily flower plants in the main gardens and squares, in the forthcoming September Fair.
"The goal is that both Murcia who will return within a few weeks of vacation as tourists who visit us during the holidays find the city in perfect condition, and can enjoy and experience the streets and public spaces," he said the area councilor, Jose Guillen.
Specifically, the Department of Parks and Gardens takes three annual campaigns replacement flowering plants both in town and in each of the districts of the municipality, reaching more than 200,000 copies a year.
This summer campaign involves the planting of approximately 50,000 flowers.
Besides the plantations, the dependent service Department of Modernization of the Administration, Urban Quality and Participation, conducted annual campaigns replacement, pruning and treating individual trees, the daily troubleshooting, cleaning the lakes and fountains, lawn mowing, pesticide treatments, as well as the construction and maintenance of parks and new children's play areas.
, "During this month of August have intensified work for all park and garden of Murcia and its districts to look their best after the holidays," the councilor, adding that "now, more than 200 operators are working on these tasks. "
Begonias, Carnation Indies and cantarantus
In the city, plantations are being made in Almela Coast Plaza Condestable, Plaza Circular, Plaza Castilla, Plaza Juan XXIII, Abenarabi, Avenida de los Pinos, Rotunda of City Avenue Cubes and Almería, among other areas of peak traffic.
The type of flowers used are cantarantus or pink vinca (Catharantusroseus), Carnation Indies (Tagetepatula) and begonias (Begonia hybrida).
It is seasonal plants, suitable for the summer period and type of existing water and soil in the gardens of Murcia and districts.
The work being done by operators focus on removing the flowers that previously existed and that, given the passage of time, have lost their original characteristics.
It then proceeds to till the soil, fertilize it and replace the new plants.
Maintenance is carried out by drip irrigation.
In addition, operators control the subscriber daily cleaning and weeds.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia