Another four motions that will be present on the temporary transfer of their jobs of officials charged in court proceedings
MURCIA NOW motions presented at the next regular plenary session on 30 seeking to ensure access to water for all residents of the municipality;
the temporary transfer of their jobs of officials charged in court proceedings occurs;
the opening of health centers and clinics in summer, and the participation of all local groups on collective bargaining tables.
The motion on water access is justified that although EMUASA has two instruments of support for families in economic insecurity, are taking situations in which families with debts claimed by court may not have access to water in their homes and qualify for the flat rate of the Social Fund of the company.
Since December 2014 they are occurring allegations of organized civil society to find that again there in the village families who are cutting their water, especially in the most vulnerable neighborhoods.
In addition, the Assembly Public Water 100% Murcia Region reports that families who visit the offices of EMUASA to solicit the support of the Social Fund are lacking information about changing management model Social Fund and the conditions Access to the Fund.
In addition, a failure to apply for benefits from the Social Fund before payment of debts claimed by court and also to request an impossibility assistance from the Municipal Social Services, as the rules of the Municipal Financial Aid for Social Care Unmet provides support for the payment of the water supply.
In this situation, NOW MURCIA requesting cancellation of debts for water consumption that have been judicially claimed by the amount of total outstanding debt, and no water shortages EMUASA families takes place in precarious economic situation, enabling instead , access to the flat rate and avoiding the filing of legal claims in case of future defaults.
For these measures (especially for debt cancellation) we intend to give financially to the program of financial aid for the Municipal Social Care Needs with an additional budget allocation of € 150,000 from the budget surplus (or savings) we have calculated that the City has after the formation of the new corporation due to savings on two items of expenditure covered by the budget.
On the one hand, effective remuneration of the governing bodies and management staff will be lower than the budgeted amount given day delay between the date of inauguration of the new council and the effective date social security.
This amount represents, not including the employer's contribution to social security, about 90,000 €.
On the other hand, the distribution of temporary staff approved by the Board of Governors of course, as estimated by the government team, a saving on the budget planned € 64,668.82.
In conclusion, the City can have more than 150,000 € budget surplus.
Regarding the temporary transfer of their jobs of officials charged in court proceedings for actions related to the performance of their duties while investigating his status persists, the proposal is motivated by the fact that it is not tenable that the City of Murcia has been a change if there are people investigated by the Justice continue to play roles in the same jobs that allegedly performed illegal actions.
The transfer of these officials would be put in the same category and qualification.
While respecting the presumption of innocence of any citizen, we consider essential that the official who handles any type of file is not under suspicion, that there is no detriment to the citizens' trust in public officials.
Before any disciplinary offense by an official, the Public Employees' Statute provides for the adoption of interim measures while disciplinary proceedings are conducted.
If this is the case before a disciplinary offense, it is not acceptable that the same thing does not happen to a judicial procedure where officials are investigated for the alleged crimes of corruption, bribery, influence peddling or other.
As for the motion on the opening of health centers and clinics in summer, we want the city of Murcia ask the Health Service of Murcia, urgent, immediate opening of all closed centers.
We understand that is the responsibility and the obligation of the Corporation to ensure that all residents of the city have equal access to public services and see their basic rights guaranteed, as is health.
Murciano Health Service recently announced, under the euphemism of "welfare changes", the closure or reduction schedules a total of 41 primary care centers in the region during the summer, of which several are for the municipality of Murcia.
Clearly, reducing schedules and closing the centers involve a reduction in health benefits and a clear deterioration in quality, and very particularly affects the most vulnerable people such as the elderly or dependent, for which it is difficult to move to another center, as well as being forced to deal with doctors and with which they are unfamiliar.
Meanwhile, closure of schools in the afternoon affects those who work.
Our latest motion request the participation of all local groups on collective bargaining tables Hall, as currently only the municipal group participates in the Government, but not the opposition.
Besides being a requirement of NOW own MURCIA, it is a request that we have been moving in recent weeks various unions with which we have gathered.
Collective Bargaining Tables are a space for dialogue, negotiation and agreement between the representatives of municipal workers and the City, so it is essential that all municipal groups represented in the Consistory are present.
Source: Ahora Murcia