On Monday, June 1, at 20 am, it will open at the Museum of the University of Murcia (Old Artillery Barracks, Cartagena street), the exhibition "SPA Sierra Paisaje.UM versus Mill Reservoir and Quípar Llanos Cagitán "eighth installment of a collaborative project between the University of Murcia, the Directorate General of Environment and Cajamurcia Foundation, which seeks to bring to Murcia to immediate reality: its landscape.
The initiative tries to match the artistic creation, the natural and cultural management to meet our landscapes and for how are seen and understood by young artists in training at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Murcia.
The exhibition is curated by Maria Victoria Sanchez Giner (Victoria Chezner), professor of landscape Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Murcia, and in it a total of 38 students of this subject involved.
The exhibition is a collaboration initiated in 2007 between the General Directorate of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity, Cajamurcia and landscape the subject of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Murcia, in order to introduce students, future artists, knowledge of the natural values ​​of this region.
The exhibition is open between 1 to 12 June, Monday to Friday, from 11 am to 14 pm.
and from 17 to 19:30 h.
Victoria Chezner, the curator of the exhibition, said: "Our landscapes, our colors are a unique blend with lots of interaction and blending of nature and man through the centuries" and ensures that every issue "involves a new enthusiasm for the students. "
Source: UMU