Gender inequalities in Spain is the subject of analysis of the latest issue of "areas", the international publication of Social Sciences of the University of Murcia directed by Professor Miguel Perez de Perceval.
The volume includes works by various experts on gender imbalances in education, gender and care, women to employment and unemployment and inequality in household consumption.
Moreover, the said educational institution has also published a new edition of "Daimon", International Journal of Philosophy, dedicated to contemporary feminist philosophy, edited by Maria Jose Guerra Palmero and "The philosopher poet and Other Essays on George Santayana, "Manuel Ruiz Zamora.
Finally, he has released "Music in the History of Art" by Juan Miguel Gonzalez Martinez;
"Perspectives on Labour Law" by Alejandra Selma Penalva, and "Geography Papers", coordinated by Professor José María Gómez Espín.
Source: Universidad de Murcia