City employees are concentrated in the Square to demand the recovery of working conditions] | The Governing Board of the City of Murcia approves wage increase for senior ignores requests while other employees |
This morning there has been a concentration of union delegates at the door of the City of Murcia, one of the events of the campaign laugh at us, holding the Personnel Board and the Works Council of the City of Murcia, with the SIME backing Unions, CCOO, UGT, CSIF and SPLRM-ATABAM, to highlight the serious current malaise in the municipal staff with policies on human resources that have been carried out by the current Municipal Government Team.
In the course of the concentration it has distributed information to citizens on the situation they are in.
They have attended the last plenary session of the current mayor, who has been fired by hand and clown noses, referring to the campaign.
Furthermore, the Governing Board of the City of Murcia yesterday approved the salary increase of officials, in some cases up to a thousand euros a month, while refusing to sit down and negotiate with unions working conditions of other municipal employees, in clear relief to the rest of the squad, what it seems indecent.
Source: SIME