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The University of Murcia expands organically grown space managed by university (29/04/2015)

Sustainable Campus, the environmental management system at the University of Murcia, has expanded the land for organic farming aimed at students, with the authorization of 18 new individual plots and a community garden, in addition to the 29 with which already had the educational institution.

The new space is located next to the parking of the Faculty of Medicine and will open on May 14, at which the fence will be completed and the university will start growing.

The land will be self-managed by users: the operation, planning what is to be planted, the division of labor care and maintenance of the garden will be decided collectively.

With an area of ​​255 m2, also it provides for the segregation of a plot for growing and emblematic species in other food cultures (intercultural garden) varieties.

Community Organic Garden is an initiative that offers members of the University of Murcia, through the Vice President of Infrastructure and Sustainability, directed by Professor José María Abellán, in order to form and promote organic farming.

The information, the regulatory bases and the entry form are available until May 11 at the website: http://www.um.es/web/campussostenible/ambiental/actividades/huerto

Source: Universidad de Murcia

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