The University of Murcia and Santander Universities held these days in Valparaíso (Chile) the III International Congress University Smart Card (TUI), which brings together more than 150 Latin American representatives of about 60 universities from twelve countries.
At this meeting, the University of Murcia presents its new advanced services in chip technology applicable to university environments with innovative solutions in mobile applications, management and access control circuits.
This Congress, whose first two editions took place in Murcia, is organized annually since the International Observatory of TUI, which created Banco Santander in the Murcia University in order to investigate new uses of the card and act as a reference center solutions eGovernment based on this technology.
The opening of the Congress was given by the Rector of the Technical University Federico Santa María de Valparaíso, Darcy Fuensalida;
Director of Products and Channels Santander Universities Global Division, Vicente Prior, and the Vice Chancellor for Coordination and internationalization of educational institution Murcia, Bernardo Cascales.
Source: Universidad de Murcia