On International Bicycle Day, celebrated on 19 it will set off a new public bike rental.
The Municipal Office of the Bicycle, under the Department of Traffic, Transport and Mobility activated on Monday 20 April a total of 19 stations, once it has been checked for proper operation.
The benches that can be used from Monday are:
- Paseo de Florence (South Round)
- Building Development Agency Local- Area AV.
Principe de Asturias
- Plaza de Industria (Renfe Station El Carmen)
- City of Justice (Ronda Sur)
- Artillery Barracks (El Carmen)
- Avenida San Juan de la Cruz with c / Miguel Hernández (Polygon Infante Don Juan Manuel).
- Avda Pio Baroja with Avda Monte Carmelo (Hall & Pool Infante)..
- Glorieta de Spain
- Plaza Santa Catalina (Centro)
- Plaza de La Merced (University)
- Ronda de Garay (Next to Plaza de Toros)
- Plaza Circular (Nudo Center)
- Avda Abenarabi with c / Marqués de los Vélez (Municipal Building).
- Avda Dukes of Lugo (The Ranero- San Basilio).
- Avda Juan Carlos I (Zig Zag Library Regional- CC).
- Don Juan de Borbon Avenue (near the roundabout cubes residential area).
- Avda of the Spanish Navy (CD Fleet).
- Avda Juan Carlos I (behind building EMUASA).
- Catholic University of San Antonio.
All information on this new system and how to register can be found on the web www.muybicimurcia.org
The International Bicycle Day seeks to promote the use of this means of transport, not only in its more sporty version, but above all, as a means of transportation for all.
Murcia has joined this April's proposal Cycling '30 days', a list of cities among which are Gijón, Barcelona, ​​Bilbao and Montevideo.
Murcia who wanted to join 30 Days Bike undertake to use the bike every day this month sharing their experience through Facebook or Twitter from the Municipal Office of the Bicycle writing with photography # 30diasenbici or # 30DEB
Furthermore, on the occasion of this day, from the Office of the Bicycle encourage Murcia to send their suggestions to bicicleta@ayto-murcia.es to continue implementing this mode of transport in the town.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia