Councilman IU-Greens in the city of Murcia, Murcia's change candidate, José Ignacio Tornel, today criticized the government team of the municipality to approve the renaming of the square of the church in the hamlet of Los Garres and Lages by the founder of Opus Dei, Josemaria Escriva.
According Tornel, the PP "has returned to put her ultraconservative ideology, using the end of the legislature and knowing there will be a municipal government to uphold secularism as of May 24".
It has denounced the "double standards" of the government team, claiming that "no free streets to give a name" and yet, he chooses a place that already had a name.
He also recalled that since IU-Greens "We have always argued that when naming streets consistory prioritize female names as there are just representation of women in our street, and people associated with the municipality or Region of Murcia. "
Source: IURM