Ruben Juan Serna, candidate for mayor and spokesman for the formation magenta, defends, through an initiative in the municipal Plenum of the Consistory, that ensure compliance with the agreement by which the public university students have priority over private entities "in order to ensure quality training"
Ruben Juan Serna, candidate for mayor of Murcia and spokesman for Progress and Democracy Union, claims the priority of medical students from the University of Murcia (UMU) when internships in public hospitals is ensured.
So, Councilman UPyD Murcia defends, through an initiative in the municipal Plenum of the Consistory, that compliance with the agreement by which students of public universities have priority over private entities to ensure "with the aim of ensuring quality training. "
As Serna explained, students of the Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University San Antonio (UCAM) have also begun to make their practices through an agreement between such private college and Murciano Health Service (SMS).
To UPyD Murcia, excess students doing internships in public hospitals will adversely affect the quality of the training and to the detriment of public services, because it causes saturation of students.
In addition, Serna says that this problem will increase in successive courses, with the increase of students enrolled in this private institution.
On the other hand, and as reported sectors of the Faculty of Medicine of the UMU, there are students who are forced to make their clinics at a distance of 45 kilometers practices without asking voluntarily, due to overcrowding in relation to teachers physical space and associated services, while there are students of the private university hospitals in Murcia.
"There is no explanation as he cuts in education and health, from the regional government agreements with private institutions are established, to the detriment of the resources paid together."
Source: UPyD Murcia