Javier Ruano held this morning a working meeting with representatives of the Student Council and student associations at the University of Murcia to determine the content of macroconsulta announced last December
The president of the students stressed the need for student opinion is taken into account
The Social Council of the University of Murcia today met with representatives of the Student Council (Ceumar) and associations of the University of Murcia to establish the content of the macroconsulta Javier Ruano announced last December.
The Chairman of the Social and Jaime Blades Council President Ceumar, have agreed on the importance of this macroconsulta to the needs and possible improvements of the institution and its impact on the university community are identified.
At the meeting, students have expressed his views on the content that should be the query to effectively collect their concerns, and have defined the most representative blocks it.
The meeting participants understand that the quality of teaching, infrastructure, services and university management are the main points of concern to college and they should be questioned.
Meanwhile Ceumar president stressed "the importance of this initiative and the opinion of students from across the University will consider for this macroconsulta serve as a positive and constructive argument to consider improvements in the university community" .
The Chair of the Social Council encouraged attendees to engage actively with this initiative, to ensure the widest possible participation of the students so that the conclusions are representative.
Javier Ruano explained that this barometer is a question of opinion that, initially annually, will be performed to monitor the views and, specifically, on the perception of students to perform an "X" of the University Institution.
The issues that are collected are designed by a group of delegates from faculty coordinated by the President of the Student Council, and representatives of student associations, so were they who have defined the issues on which consultation their peers.
Javier Ruano reported "is intended, as well as the methodology used by the CIS Barometer, that the answers to these questions are comparable and lead to time series that can be transferred to government bodies and society regularly".
Thus, in this Barometer concerns of students in subjects such as the training, facilities, supplementary training, languages, teachers or any other matter of interest will be collected.
Finally, the President of the Social Council is committed to transmit this information to the governing bodies of the University, besides being a very valuable tool when developing the action plan annually Social Council to consider the perception of University students and promote the necessary changes in this institution to respond to their real needs.
Source: Universidad de Murcia