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Rare diseases will star next Sunday in the encounter between the Catholic University of Murcia Football Club and Real Betis B (19/02/2015)

Rare diseases will star in the next game that will challenge the Catholic University of Murcia Football Club and Real Betis B on Sunday 22 February at 12:00.

Members of the Association for Rare Diseases D'Genes will attend the match and before the same is expected to jump to the lawn of La Condomina to be photographed with the players who wear shirts with the logo of the association, in an activity will serve to give visibility and awareness of the reality of rare diseases, which is part of the commemoration of World Rare Disease Day is celebrated on February 28.

D'Genes account in Totana with the Multidisciplinary Center "Celia Carrión Pérez de Tudela" which opened in February last year and which meets weekly to more than 130 people with 80 different rare diseases, both children and adults who come from different parts of the Region.

This involves the provision of nearly three hundred monthly services.

In addition, soon they are going to open offices in Cehegín Center, Cartagena and Murcia, in order to enable the decentralization of services provided therein, and thus prevent displacement of users of these areas to Totana.

In this infrastructure a broad portfolio of services offered to its users, which include the information and guidance on rare diseases, physiotherapy, psychology, hydrotherapy, speech therapy, cognitive stimulation, reflexology, social care, reiki, legal advice online , online counseling and respite service.

DesdeD'Genes want to express their gratitude to both the UCAM as its president, José Luis Mendoza, because initiatives like this serve to give visibility to the reality of rare diseases and raise awareness about them.

Source: D´Genes

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