Portal de Murcia


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detail of Murcia


The City Council will improve access to the church of the Holy Spirit Espinardo (21/01/2015)

Neighbors of the Holy Spirit will see in short time and improves access to the church in his neighborhood, thanks to the Governing Board of the City of Murcia has given the green light this morning at conditioning works.

The church is located in the Plaza de la Constitution, recently restored under the Urban project.

The locals, in the participatory process of defining this space, expressed his hope that the fence surrounding the church so that it was integrated into the whole square was removed.

In order to meet this demand, in the belief that supposed to improving urban space, was managed and conformity of the Catholic Church was obtained as owner of the property.

The action involves improving access to the church of the Holy Spirit, regeneration of urban facade and expanding the space of the square, both visually and effectively.

The amount of the investment is 23,947.94 euros, and is funded by the Urban Neighborhood Project "Holy Spirit" Espinardo.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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