The spokesman magenta training and a degree in Journalism, rapporteur of the training workshop on social networking for members and supporters of the Region of Murcia, says that "dialogue, keeping open lines of communication where possible, is indispensable for achieving the more citizens and know our work "
The spokesman for Progress and Democracy Union and candidate for mayor of Murcia, Rubén Juan Serna, stresses the importance of "establishing conversations between citizens and politicians without restrictions of any kind and without intermediaries" during the course of the training workshop on social networks for members and supporters of training magenta in the region.
Serna, a graduate in Journalism and workshop rapporteur says that "from UPyD have defended since our birth as a party that is essential institutions closer to citizens, proposing, listening, responding and talking to them."
"In fact, without the existence of Internet UPyD would not have been possible," noting that the further development of the different social networks has enabled "the expansion and organization as a major political entity capable of influencing the political discourse at all levels, national, regional and local ".
The mayor explained that "participation and transparency are the pillars on which our communication policy is based, leading to all our official profiles, public representatives and organic charges, to the extent the possibilities of each particular case, to have an active presence in virtually every major social networks. "
UPyD Councilman and candidate for mayor of the city of Murcia, which recently added a new channel of personal involvement through platform also gives the example of municipal group in the Consistory Murcia with its own web presence and active on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google+.
"Dialogue will maintain open lines of communication where possible, it is essential to reach the greatest number of citizens and to know our work."
Source: UPyD Murcia