The Catholic University of Murcia has decided that its proposed educational action of R + D + i, UCAM Racing Team, be shared with other schools in the Region of Murcia.
After conducting a contest that ended on December 19, in which the participation of younger Murcia was encouraged in drawing a sketch of a model 'urban concept', IES La Aljada Bacons Bridge and design were winners.
For participation in the contest 'Design an Urban Concept' a series of requirements demanded as was the fact that the body was "spectacular";
Also, as requested by the Shell Eco-Marathon, which is to compete with the new car should be "streamlined" and "car" as well, this time should be four wheels.
It was enough freehand drawings in which they could see the ground, the elevation profile of the proposals.
The winners were: first, David Master's Degree in Architecture;
secondly, Adrián Sola IES La Aljada;
and, thirdly, Christian Barua, belonging to the same school.
To mark the agreement with the Institute's Aljada Bacons Bridge, the UCAM Racing Team has come to visit the students who participated in the contest, giving talks in which he explained the operation of the vehicle and have transmitted the values ​​that lead the team to fight to stay each year in competitions in which it participates.
Ecology, sportsmanship, competitive spirit and team are some of the fundamental pillars of a race whose only goal is continuous improvement.
The UCAM Racing Team currently races a three-wheeled prototype which has challenged the high expectations since it began teaching innovation project in 2010, being in first place in the competition Murcia Solar Race.
With many improvements, each year has tried to evolve gradually and has taken great care and work of students and teachers of different degree from the Catholic University of Murcia.
Rafael Melendreras, Team Manager, emphasizes that "the goal is not to arrive first, is to consume the least fuel."
It also recalls the importance of alternating different types of systems that are able to perform efficiently in the challenge aspire to build a better world in which future generations can have everything now available current.
Students, very interested in the car and everything that surrounds this and what makes it work, have come to the prototype Sun Rider to look closely something they aspire to do someday.
Very attentive and interested, they have continued to ask questions related to the fireball UCAM.
A much needed day that certainly is a before and after in the touchdown that makes the most palpable youth work, more real than it may seem when viewed as alien.
Always in their educational line, the UCAM Racing Team aims to encourage more young people to build together a model car it is reflected in their efforts to achieve the highest possible energy efficiency and where the competitive spirit of the university look reflected in the struggle to move forward not just a job, but also an illusion which has bet heavily.
One more year at the Shell Eco-Marathon
Also, this week the UCAM Racing Team has received good news to be admitted a year in the Shell Eco-Marathon, the most important test efficient cars in Europe.
Again, the Catholic University of Murcia will be in Rotterdam to compete with the most prestigious universities and further improve its prototype.
Source: UCAM