The Cabinet has approved the amendment of the General Municipal Plan of Arrangement (PGMO) of Murcia, which affects the structural axis of the South Coast, corresponding to the section El Palmar-La Alberca de Murcia.
With this change the provisions of the General Plan of Murcia concerning the delimitation of the South Coast are reset, in the area of ​​La Alberca, in order to adapt them to work projects.
It is an adaptation of urban planning to works executed during the first phase of the action, affecting a roundabout and at the Auditorium of La Alberca environment, representing a mere readjustment of determinations currently applicable.
Coastal North and South are structuring elements of the city of Murcia, so that the execution of these works in the public interest to ensure the flow channel and transport and communication shot in the municipality, for which these adjustments are necessary in zoning regulations.
Source: CARM