Portal de Murcia


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Citizens have until December 12 to choose the location of new bicycle parking closed (09/12/2014)

Citizens have until December 12 to decide the location the location of the next Closed Cycle of Murcia.

In order to make further involve citizens, the Department of Environment, who runs Adela Martinez-Cache, through the Municipal Office of the Bicycle, launched a public participation process so that citizens could choose location of new bicycle parking closed to the city of Murcia is planning to install in the town.

This initiative is part of the resolutions adopted by the Municipal Observatory of the Bicycle.

Strategically located in Murcia gardens and close to the bus and tram ride facilities, universities and / or residential areas and bus stops, the Closed Cycle promote intermodality.

Constitute a set of bicycle parking spaces, located inside the cage to which is accessed through a magnetic key.

Each bike has closed parking capacity to accommodate a total of 20 bicycles, safely and securely.

Today, the Municipality of Murcia has a total of nine Cycle closed, plus a dozen under construction.

To participate, interested persons to review the location of the new Cycle will have access to the website of the Municipal Office of the Bicycle in the following link:


You can also access the ballot through Social Networks: Municipal Office of the Bicycle of Murcia on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/oficinabicicletamurcia or twitterBicicletaMurcia

The most voted options will be chosen to locate the seven new Closed Cycle that will be built.

The link to the website also offers the possibility of including those sites that citizens would like to have a closed Cycle, even if not among those listed.

The web now offers the following situations to install Closed Cycle:

- Garden Silk

- Garden of Salitre

- Artillery Barracks

- Square Torero Ortega Cano

- Polygon Infante

- Garden Fofó

- Garden of Fame

- Garden Condes de Barcelona

- Park the three Cups

- Garden Almela Costa

- Garden General Moscardó

- Garden Juan Nicolás Mateo

More information: www.oficinabicicletamurcia.info

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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