The CCOO union
and UGT, with 27 and 20 delegates respectively, have been the most voted organizations in elections held at the University of Murcia to elect the Board and Committee of Administration and Services (PAS) and the same organs of Teaching and Research (PDI).
CSIF fourteen delegates achieved;
SIME, eleven, and STERM six.
The Board of PAS, CCOO
obtained eleven;
FETE-UGT four CSIF three;
SIME, three, and STERM two.
The Committee of PAS, CCOO
FETE-UGT and tied three delegates, two of CSIF and one SIME.
As regards the Board of PDI, get six both CCOO
as CSIF, followed by FETE-UGT, with five;
SIME, four, and STERM with two.
Finally, the Committee of PDI, the largest number of delegates are only FETE-UGT, with eight, followed by CCOO, seven, CSIF and SIME, which are tied to three and STERM with two.
Source: Universidad de Murcia. Fotos: Luis Urbina