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The National Police arrested three minors for burglary in Espinardo (04/12/2014)

He had the cooperation of the local police in Murcia

National Police agents have arrested three people suspected of a burglary in Espinardo.

A study criminogenic robberies inside shops and homes in night hours, following the coincident indicators of modus operandi, slots and understood geographical space between the strut, Juan Carlos I and Espinardo, led the District Police Station San Andrés to increase surveillance by the police on night shift for prevention and, where appropriate, location and arrest of the perpetrators of the robbery.

This increased police presence led to the last day December 2, after receiving the statement in Room 091 of a possible burglary at an appliance store located on Calle Central Espinardo instants personaran then three police cars police National who managed to stop the thieves.

At first he stopped the person that carried out surveillance work abroad.

Later, after accessing the interior, two other assailants were arrested in collaboration with a local police patrol.

After thorough inspection of the premises, it was found that the modus operandi used by the three arrested for entering the property, was a broken window had access to after climbing the facade of the building.

Once inside the room, were equipped with flashlights and socks on his hands in order to leave no trace and started a registry for cash and valuables.

The observed distribution of functions between the three detainees, all Spaniards aged between 16 and 17 years, and police records on adverse events of a similar nature, does assess the possibility that they are part of an organized group of minors engaged in robberies in shops and homes in that area, specializing in the commission of burglary.

The operation was conducted by agents of the District Police Station San Andrés de la Police Headquarters of Murcia and the local police in Murcia.

Source: Jefatura Superior de Policía de la Región de Murcia

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