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Duda complies 500 games as a coach in the National Football League (01/12/2014)

The Spanish-Brazilian coach of El Pozo Murcia FS, Eduardo Sao Thiago 'Doubt', met last Friday against Zaragoza DLink 500 games set Murcia coach in the National Football League, in his fourteen seasons since the 2001-02 campaign.

Specifically, 394 regular season games and 106 meetings 'Play Off' for the league title for a total of 500 games as a coach in the LNFS, of 623 appearances in official competitions.

Of the 500 matches played in these fourteen seasons, Duda has gained in Murcia bench 286 games in regular season and 68 in 'play off', as detailed table enclosed

Also, since the 2001-02 season Duda has achieved enviable record:

4 Leagues (2005/06, 2006/07, 2008/09 and 2009/10)

3 Glasses of Spain (2003, 2008 and 2010)

Spain 4 Super Cups (2006, 2010, 2012 and 2014)

1 Glass Ibérica (2007)

1 Cup Winners Cup (2003)

4 Copas President FFRM (Issue I, II, III and IV)

Best Coach LNFS 4 times (2002/03, 2003/04, 2006/07 and 2012/13).


Source: ElPozo Murcia

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